Solar Bill of Rights

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
Everyone please please click on the link below to sign the petition to push through the Solar Bill of Rights.
Just as oil is fighting biofuels..
Conventional electricity is fighting solar and wind energy.
We need these cleaner energies to help us save our planet.
I thank you in advance for signing the petition.
On the site you can read about the petition and what it stands for.Then please sign.The more signatures the better!!

Solar Bill of Rights

Heirloom Seeds...Plus an update..

Saturday, August 28, 2010 Posted In , , , , , Edit This 2 Comments »
Hello my darklings!!
I know I know..I have been M.I.A. for sometime.
I am sorry...I went through a very uninspired time.
It happens to everyone!
But I think Im back.
I have a new reason to really be rabid over being natural.
We think I am with child.
Thats right Morticia might be carrying a baby bean!
I have a good wait to find out though.Pregnancies hide in my family.Sometimes even with bloodtests!!
I think it sucks ball's that we are like this.Because all I want is a yes or no!
Not sure how many believe in the truth of psychic abilities.But I was told after visiting my dear mary's store that there's a very very high chance that I am.
Then I came home and got my pendulum out and asked and it said yes.
So Im gonna treat it as a yes.
I'll take a test in the middle of sept..then in the middle of oct.
If still a negative I'll have bloodwork done.
But Ive already started having some of the symptom's.
So anyway..
On to the hairloom seed topic!
For those of you who dont know what an heirloom seed let me give you a defintion..
Click this link to find out what they are
So why heirloom seed's you ask..
Heirloom seed's are free of all the toxin's and pesticides that conventional seed's deal with.
Plus with heirloom seed's you can help many food species from becoming extinct!
Yes there are thousands of fruits and veggie species that have gone extinct.
Plus from what alot of people say heirloom seed's are easier to grow.
Its proven that organicly grown food is healtheir for you than the food you get in your grocery store.
The amount of toxin's that are ingested in our every day life is astoundingly horrific!
For those of you who have children its your duty to maintain their health.
To give them the best possible start in life.
So why not do that with amazing fruits and veggies!!
There are several places you can buy heirloom seed's.
I will post a few links below so that you can check them out for yourself.
Start the journey with me.
Let's make a new life for our children which will include a healthy non-toxic future!
Ok ya'll!!
Start purchasing your seed's so you can start your garden's next year!
I cant wait to see what you come on up!
Until Next Time Darklings!!

I can NOT seem to keep up with day's! But here's something cool! Tamanu Oil

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Posted In , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

My darklings idk what my problem is here as of late.
I remind myself to blog each day but it doesnt seem to happen.
I even gave myself a structured schedual..haha..
I fail..

Well to give you something to read, which will tie in herbal tuesdays and green wed's here is a very cool oil that I came across.

It has ton's of uses and I think many of you might find it of use.
Article is taken from

My darklings idk what my problem is here as of late.
I remind myself to blog each day but it doesnt seem to happen.
I even gave myself a structured schedual..haha..
I fail..

Well to give you something to read, which will tie in herbal tuesdays and green wed's here is a very cool oil that I came across.

It has ton's of uses and I think many of you might find it of use.
Article is taken from
Tamanu Oil Profile
Botanical Name- Calophyllum inophyllumOrigin- TahitiExtraction- Cold Pressed/UnrefinedShelf life- 10-14 monthsKosher Certified- NoNotes- Stores well under any condition but extreme heat will lessen the shelf life. Our Tamanu oil has a rich, deep scent with a bold dark color and because of this it may alter the color and aroma of your cosmetic creations. Can be used directly on the skin or diluted with a suitable carrier oil. While the internal uses for Tamanu have been documented, the material offered by Mountain Rose Herbs was manufactured for external use only.
SpecificationsColor- Green Odor- Heavy, fatty and odoriferousFree Fatty Acids- 0%Peroxide Value- 1.22Non-Saponifiables- 0.6Saponification Value- 194Iodine Value- 84.1Specific Gravity- 0.91pH- 4.11
Fatty AcidsOleic- 37.8%Palmitic- 13.2%Linoleic- 30.2%Linolenic- 0.2%Stearic- 13.8%
IntroductionTamanu oil is a remarkable topical healing agent with skin healing, antineuralgic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibiotic and antioxidant properties. Tamanu oil’s botanical name is Calophyllum tacamahaca and/or Calophyllum Inophyllum--but it's been called everything from Alexandrian Laurel to Pannay Tree to Sweet Scented Calophyllum, and in London it was once sold as Borneo Mahogany. The Tamanu tree is indigenous to tropical Southeast Asia; it is found in Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, South India, Sri Lanka, and the Melanesian and Polynesian islands. It is grows up to three meters tall, sporting cracked, black bark and elliptical, shiny leaves. The Tamanu tree blooms twice annually with fragrant, white flowers, which later yield clusters of yellow-skinned spherical fruit. The fruit's pulp tastes similar to an apple, within which a large nut is embedded. The nut contains an odorless pale kernel, called punnai in some Pacific areas. This kernel is dried in the sun for two months until it becomes sticky with a dark, thick, rich oil; it must be protected from humidity and rain during drying. This sticky oil is cold-pressed to make a greenish yellow oil similar to olive oil. To put this spectacular oil into perspective, and to further justify its relatively high cost, It takes 100 kilograms of Tamanu fruit, the amount that one tree produces annually, to yield just 5 kilograms of cold pressed oil! Natives believed the Tamanu tree was a sacred gift of nature and that gods hid in its branches. It was their answer to skin protection from hot sun, high humidity and ocean wind.
Current and traditional use across the globeIndonesians soak the leaf in water; the resulting blue solution is applied to inflamed eyes or taken internally for heatstroke. It is used as an astringent for hemorrhoids in Philippines. The Manus of Papua New Guinea heat leaves over a fire until they soften, then apply them to skin ulcers, boils, cuts, sores and pimples. On Dobu Island, leaves are boiled, and the resulting solution is used to wash skin rashes.In the Philippines, the sap is mixed with sulfur to create an ointment for boils, open sores and wounds. In the 18th century, native Jamaicans used a similar species for wounds and sores. Fiji natives use Tamanu oil for joint pains, arthritis, bruises, oozing wounds, chapped lips and preventing diaper rash. In most south sea islands it is utilized as an analgesic for sciatica, rheumatism and ulcers.Pacific islanders apply Tamanu oil to scrapes, cuts, burns, insect bites and stings, acne and acne scars, psoriasis, diabetic sores, anal fissures, sunburn, dry or scaly skin, blisters, eczema, diaper rash and herpes sores--and even to reduce foot and body odor! In Europe, sometimes called Domba oil, it has a 70 to 75 percent success rate in alleviating rheumatism and scabies. It’s also effective on gout and ringworm. It can be applied to mucous membrane lesions. It heals chapped skin, post-surgical wounds, skin allergies, cracked skin, bed sores, wounds, rashes, abrasions, athlete’s foot, boils, and infected nails. Tamanu oil has even healed severe burns caused by boiling water, chemicals and X-rays. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce rashes, sores, swelling and abrasions. Tamanu oil promotes new tissue formation, accelerating healing and healthy skin growth.Tamanu oil reputedly relieves a sore throat when it is applied to the neck. It’s pain-relieving properties have also been used traditionally to relieve neuralgia, shingles and believe it or not, leprous neuritis! In the 1920s, Sister Marie-Suzanne, a nun stationed in Fiji, topically applied Tamanu oil to leprosy victims with positive results.
More Powerful than an AntibioticTamanu oil possesses significant antimicrobial qualities, as proven in antibacterial and antifungal tests. It contains powerful bactericide and fungicide agents that defeat human and animal pathogens. Tamanu can be applied directly to skin, undiluted.
There are no reports of adverse effects from topical application. Tamanu oil has also compared favorably against antibiotics in alleviating these maladies:
Bladder infections
Wound infections
The cause of diphtheria
Infected burns
Urinary tract infections
The cause of Madura Foot, which causes the foot’s skin to swell and split
Jock itch
Athlete's foot
Treatment for scarsTamanu oil fades stretch marks with incredible results. It also works miracles on scar tissue, making scars look less unsightly. BioScience Laboratories conducted a study of Tamanu oil’s ability to improve the appearance of scars. Six subjects with obvious scars aged for one year or more participated in the test. Subjects were not allowed to use moisturizers on their scarred areas for seven days before the test or throughout the nine-week test period. Scars were rated for roughness, length, width and degree of difference from surrounding normal skin. Measurements of darkness and redness were also taken for scarred and surrounding normal skin. Digital photos of scars were taken prior to initial application and at the end of week nine. Tamanu oil was applied to the scarred area twice daily for nine consecutive weeks. There was significant improvement in appearance of scars after six weeks, and improvement continued through week nine. Scar length was reduced by an average 0.28 centimeters, and width was reduced by an average 0.12 centimeters!
You can get this fab oil from
scroll to the bottom of page!

If I find a recipe on how to make this oil I will share.
I hope you enjoyed my darkling's!
Until Next Time

(i'll try not to fail..hehe)

Herbal Tuesday's!! This Week Aloe Vera

Tuesday, August 10, 2010 Posted In , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Edit This 2 Comments »
Welcome to Herbal Tuesday's!!
This week
Aloe Vera!
Alright guy's I apologize for not having a blog in over a week.
There's not a real good reason.
Just crazy life....
But I'm back!! So hold on to your mortar and pistol's muh dear's!!
Here's Aloe Vera!
Taken from
Botanical Classification
Family Aloeceae
Genus and specie
Aloe veraAloe barbadensis
Other names
Barbados, Cape, Curaiao, Socotrine, and Zanzibar aloe
Description of the herb aloe vera
Aloe vera is a clump forming perennial with rosettes of thick, fleshy, spiky, gray-green leaves, young specimens being red spotted and the plant bears yellow tubular flowers in summer.
Parts used
The slimy inside of the leave is used (also referred to as gel) as well as a juice extracted from the pulpy inside and a yellow bitter laxative principle which is an exudate from the leaf which is dried to a crystalline substance.
To prevent any confusion, herewith a summary of uses:

It is a bitter herb with anti-inflammatory, astringent, emollient, anti fungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, and is useful in the eradication of parasites and stimulating the uterus.
It contains a host of compounds that are biologically active and includes anthraquinones, saccharides and prostaglandins as well as other constituents.

  • Anthraquinones
    The anthraquinones contained in aloe, which has the purging and laxative action on the digestive system includes aloin (barbaloin), isobarloin, anthranol, aloetic acid, anthracene, ester of cinnamic acid, aloe-emodin, emodin, chrysophanoic acid, ethereal oil as well as resistannol.
  • Saccharides
    It contains various saccharides including glycoprotein, mucopolysaccharide and polysaccharides such as galactose, xylose, arabinose, acetylated mannose as well as the remarkable acemannan.
  • Prostaglandins and fatty acids
    The conversion of fatty acids to prostaglandins are rare but the major unsaturated fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid can be converted to 1-series prostaglandins and have a very effective influence on reducing inflammation, allergy as well as helping platelet aggregation (blood clotting at wound sites) as well as wound healing.
  • Other constituents
    It furthermore contains enzymes (oxidase, amylase, catalase, lipase and alkaline phosphatase) amino acids (lysine, threonine, valine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine and phenylalanine) vitamins (vitamin b1, B2, B6, C, E, folic acid, choline and beta carotene) minerals (calcium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, copper and chromium as well as other miscellaneous compounds such as cholesterol, triglycerides, steroids, uric acid, lignins, beta-sitosterol, gibberellin and salicylic acid.
  • Internal use
    The herb is used internally to combat most digestive problems, including

poor appetite
irritable bowel syndrome as well as
immune system enhancement
peptic ulcers

Studies have also shown that when aloe is taken internally it can stimulate and regulate various components of the immune system by stopping the inflammation and blood supply of tumors and also showed interesting results in preventing carcinogenic compounds from entering the liver and is combined in some cancer treatments.

The juice of the inner leave can be used for its anti-inflammatory effect it has on Crohn's disease but the laxative and bitter principle of aloe must NOT be used by people suffering from Crohn's disease as it causes griping and cramping.

It contains aloemannan which stimulates the growth of healthy kidney cells and helps to slow the formation of kidney stones.

The juice can be used very successfully to treat heartburn as well as ulcers and to soothe the lining of the digestive tract. It is not that effective to treat stress induced ulcers, but can be used for peptic ulcers caused by excess acid, aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as well as alcohol use.

The oral use of aloe has produced good results in patients suffering from asthma when the asthma sufferers were not dependant on corticosteroids for treatment.

The exude from the leaves are used as a strong purgative and stimulant laxative but can cause griping and has an abortifacient effect and should not be used in pregnancy.

The bitter principle in aloe exudate which cause the laxative effect is preferable to use than that of cascara and senna, as aloe draws less fluid into the large intestine and are less likely to cause electrolyte imbalance than the other two.

In a study where volunteers ate 120 grams of parboiled aloe for lunch and supper a marked decrease in cholesterol, triglycerides and sugar was found, while in another test using aloe extract, it reduced fasting blood-sugar dramatically which is probably due to the stimulating effect it has on the pancreas to produce more insulin.

  • External use

Aloe is used externally for the treatment of
skin irritation
to stimulate cell regeneration.

The gel can be applied directly to the skin as a softening agent.

For burns and other wounds aloe is particularly effective as it activates the macrophages which fights bacterial infection while at the same time increasing circulation to the area which results in accelerated healing.

The enzymes - carboxypeptidase and bradykininase are both involved to reduce swelling, itching, reducing inflammation as well as pain.

Studies confirmed that wounds treated with aloe heal far faster than other wounds not so treated - both for traumatic as well as surgical wounds. This may be due to the fact that it contains not only vitamin E and C as well as zinc but the polysaccharides also reduce inflammation and stimulate the fibroblast and epidermal growth and repair process.

The juice is also effective for the treatment of minor wounds and insect bites by forming a "natural plaster" over the wound.

It has good astringent qualities and is usually combined with other ingredients, to make an excellent, soothing treatments for the skin and can also be used with great success on hemorrhoids (piles).

In studies it also showed a marked result in producing remission in skin cancers and its superb anti-oxidant effect is effective to help prevent skin damage from x-rays and other forms of radiation.

When applied regularly to psoriasis great results are achieved and also relieve the pain and inflammation of eczema.

When people with frostbite was treated with a cream containing aloe, the incidence of tissue loss and amputation was reduced.

Aloe-emodin which is one of the ingredients not only has a laxative effect, but is also involved in killing the herpes virus which causes cold sores and shingles.

Aromatherapy and essential oil use
Aromatherapists use aloe vera oil by infusing the plant material into a base oil, such as almond or apricot kernel oil.
This macerated oil exhibits astringent, emollient, anti fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.
The oil is combined in massage therapy for its healing and rejuvenating properties.
For more information on aloe vera oil please visit us at Esoteric Oils.

Safety precautions and warnings
Pregnant and breast feeding women should not use aloe latex (the laxative part) internally, although the topical application of aloe to the skin has no effect on pregnant or breastfeeding women.
People suffering from problematic hemorrhoids, ulcers, diverticulosis, colitis, Crohn's disease, or irritable bowel syndrome should consult a medical practitioner or trusted herbalist before taking aloe internally.
Extreme care should be taken with the administration of aloe laxatives, as this can cause severe digestive upsets.
When used topically, some individuals may have an allergic reaction and a skin patch test (behind the ear or on the forearm) is advised before use.
Magical Properties
Aloe (Aloe vera) aka burn plant, medicine plant
Feminine. Moon. Water.Protection, Luck.
Guards against evil influences and prevents household accidents.
Plant aloe on the graves of loved ones to promote a peaceful existence until the deceased is reborn.
Use for success in the world. Prevents feelings of loneliness.
Aloes, Wood (Aquilaria agallocha) aka Lignum aloes
Feminine. Venus. Water.Love, Spirituality.

Here are a couple of nummy juice recepie's that Im sure could be smoothied to..
Entries taken from

1. Carrot-A-Licious
This one is a definite family favourite. Easy to drink, sweet and downright yummy.
2 Carrots2 Green Apples (or any apples you have)
1 Orange (peeled)Put ingredients though a juicer,
add 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel, drink immediately.
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

2. Pineapple Paradise
Seeing as I live in the tropics, I'm very partial to this combination. I also sometimes add a few tablespoons of Coconut Milk to increase the anti-bacterial and anti-viral content. This is a must-try.
1 to 2 Cups Fresh Pineapple
1 Carrot
1 Green Apple
Put ingredients though a juicer,
add 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel, drink immediately.
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

3. Zippy Zinger
If you love the tropics, you'll love this one. Easy on the tummy.
A small piece of Ginger (to taste)
2 Carrots
2 Pears Half a small Red Papaya (known as Pawpaw in Australia)
Put ingredients though a juicer,
add 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel, drink immediately.
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

4. Beetroot Bliss
A great pick-me-up tonic. If you are unfamiliar with beetroot juice go easy at first, use just a small wedge. It can be a little overpowering. Tastes rich and earthy.
One quarter of small beetroot
2 large carrots
1 stalk of celery
Put ingredients though a juicer,
add 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel, drink immediately.
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

5. Cranberry Quencher
For those of you lucky enough to have this powerful fruit available to you fresh, I have included this recipe. Genuine cranberry juice is a powerful weapon in fighting colds and flu as well as being renowned for it's benefits to kidney function. Fresh cranberry juice is far superior nutritionally to the bottled on-the-shelf variety.
As Cranberries have a heavy acid content, when juicing, use one or two handfuls in a glass.
Fill the rest with freshly juiced apple, otherwise it will be too tart.
Put ingredients though a juicer,
add 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel, drink immediately.
Read more:
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives